Contact Us

Get in touch and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.  We look forward to hearing from you!


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  • Email
  • Phone
    416 283 9811
  • Fax
    416 283 9550
  • Address
    Box 213, 1740 Kingston Road East
    Pickering ON L1V 2R4


If your passion is treating the neurologically impaired or complex traumatic client population in the community, please contact us. We are specially interested in physiotherapists who have a special interest and training in the Bobath Concept. You should have completed the three week Basic Bobath or NDT course and at least one Advanced Bobath  or NDT course, with experience treating neurologically impaired clients.

We offer flexible working schedules, competitive re-reimbursement and mentoring.  

Treatments take place in the community, so a car and a clean driving license is a requirement.